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    Free Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version

    Selasa, 16 Desember 2014, 05.49 WIB Last Updated 2014-12-16T13:49:55Z

    Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version
    Free Download Sketchup Pro Terbaru 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version : selamat siang sobat http://jembersantri.blogspot.com, kali ini saya akan memberikan sebuah software aplikasi buat anda para desain grafis. software ini bernama Sketchup Pro Terbaru 2015 v15.1.106 untuk komputer dengan sistem operasi 32 bit dan 64 bit sob. jadi buat sobat yang suka membuat desain 3D bangunan - bangunan elite, software inilah yang cocok untuk sobat gunakan. software Sketchup Pro 2015 ini fitur - fiturnya lebih banyak, lebih bagus, dan lebih handal banget jika dibandingkan dengan versi sebelumnya, lebih - lebih software ini mampu memudahkan sobat dalam mendesain bangunan 3D nantinya. seperti teman saya disini bernama Anggik Putra yang pekerjaannya setiap hari membuat desain Bangunan elite di Kota Jember - Jawa Timur dengan menggunakan software Sketchup Pro 2015 ini. dia merasa sangat terbantu sekali dengan software ini sob. karena semua pekerjaannya dapat dijalankan dengan cepat dan mampu memuaskan para pelanggannya. 
    Software ini juga cocok buat sobat yang baru belajar untuk membuat desain bangunan 3D. karena kemudahannya dalam penggunaannya, serta sudah terdapat beberapa tutorial penggunaan di dalamnya. untuk masalah hasil desainnya nanti. tergantung dari skill dan bakat sobat http://jembersantri.blogspot.com dalam menggunakan software Sketchup Pro 2015 ini. apabila sobat mempunyai skill dan bakat yang SUPER, pastinya hasilnya nanti akan memuaskan pelanggan dan Bos sobat.hehe..

    Free Download Sketchup Pro Terbaru 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version

    Description :
    Hundreds of thousands of professionals in (take a deep breath) architecture, construction, engineering, commercial interiors, light construction, landscape architecture, kitchen & bath design, urban planning, game design, film & stage, woodworking, and plenty of other fields use SketchUp Pro all the time, every day. It's the all-purpose antidote to complicated, expensive CAD software.
    Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version Screen Shot by http://jembersantri.blogspot.com

    Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version Screenshot

    Download File Here : http://goo.gl/PK8lhJ

    Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version - Single Link
    Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version - Part 1
    Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version - Part 2
    Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version - Part 3
    Password RAR : http://jembersantri.blogspot.com

    A smarter way to think about 3D modeling
    SketchUp Pro is like a pencil with superpowers. Start by drawing lines and shapes. Push and pull surfaces to turn them into 3D forms. Stretch, copy, rotate and paint to make anything you like. More advanced? Start modeling from CAD and terrain data, photographs or even hand sketches. Build models with custom behaviors and attributes. SketchUp Pro is as simple and as powerful as you want it to be.

    Turn your models into drawings with LayOut
    At some point in every project, you need to produce a set of drawings that shows your model: plans, sections, elevations, perspectives. LayOut in SketchUp Pro lets you add model views to pages, choose drawing scales, adjust line weights and add dimensions, callouts and graphics. Changes to your model are reflected automatically in LayOut. When it's time, export PDFs, images and CAD files.

    Get good, fast.
    There's a reason SketchUp is synonymous with friendly and forgiving 3D modeling software: we don't sacrifice usability for the sake of functionality. With handy contextual tips, a dedicated Instructor panel for beginners, and mountains of online resources, help is always on the way. And just in case, every SketchUp Pro license includes a year of free technical support.

    No software is an island
    We built SketchUp Pro to slide right into your existing workflow. Ready for some alphabet soup? With importers for DXF, DWG, 3DS, DAE, KMZ, TIF, JPG, PNG and a few more, you can bring in drawings, models and images to your heart's content. SketchUp Pro also exports all of those formats, plus PDF, OBJ, FBX, XSI, VRML, MP4, WEBM and AVI. OMG.

    Slides are boring. Present from SketchUp Pro.
    Scenes let you save views of your model to pull up anytime. Styles provide endless visual effects to make your work look precise, sketchy or anything in between. Section Planes slice through models for creating sectional views. Go fullscreen, walk around, add labels and export flyover animations. Present from SketchUp Pro and get your point across every single time.

    Models and plugins aplenty
    Need a particular chair for the room you're designing? A lamp for your carriage house? A rhino for your zoo? You'll find almost anything you need in SketchUp's 3D Warehouse, the world's biggest repository of free 3D models. And as for plugins that provide extra features and tools, our all-new Extension Warehouse is your ticket to add-on nirvana.

    Support with:
    OS : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
    Language : English

    Demikian dulu ulasan saya tentang Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version ini, semoga bisa bermanfaat buat sobat. buruan di download sob, dan segeralah belajar mendesain bangunan sesuai skill dan bakat yang sobat miliki. :) baca juga ulasan saya sebelumnya tentang CorelDraw X7 sob dengan url : http://jembersantri.blogspot.com/2014/09/coreldraw-graphics-suite-x7-1720688.html sebuah software desain grafis terbaik yang perlu sobat juga.

    Anda sekarang telah mengunjungi :
    Title : Download Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106
    Url :  http://jembersantri.blogspot.com/2014/12/sketchup-pro-2015-v151106-x86x64-full.html

    Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^

    Sketchup Pro 2015 v15.1.106 (x86/x64) Full Version

    Alternative Link : [ Click Here ... ]

    Source : http://jembersantri.blogspot.com/2014/12/sketchup-pro-2015-v151106-x86x64-full.html#ixzz3M4J5s2DH




